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Juliane Petersen

Juliane Petersen

Phone: +49 (0) 40 226 338 443
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Since fall 2018, Juliane Petersen has been coordinating Topic 4 "Coastal zones at a time of global change" in the research program Changing Earth - Sustaining our Future. Likewise, she maintained the journal Climate Services as Managing Editor.

Until mid of 2017, Juliane contributed to the project “Bridging the Gap” which is aiming at transferring Climate Service Products developed at GERICS to the market. She supported the work at GERICS for the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (SR1.5). Until mid of 2016, she developed, coordinated and documented the process of prototype development at GERICS. Juliane studied Geography in Greifswald and Berlin. In her diploma-thesis, she investigated the feedback of land-use change and irrigation for the simulated local and regional climate of the Hamburg metropolitan region. Thereafter, she worked as a scientist in the project KLIMZUG-NORD at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology for three years. There, she further explored feedbacks of forest distribution and coordinated in form and content the final report for decision-makers “Kursbuch Klimaanpassung”.

Detailed CV of Juliane Petersen (629 KB)