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Martina Schubert-Frisius

Martina Schubert-Frisius (2023)

Phone: +49 (0) 40 226 338 442
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Since 2017 Martina Schubert-Frisius has been a research associate at the Climate Service Center Germany. Currently, she is involved in the further development of the non-hydrostatic regional climate model ICON-CLM in the UDAG project. The aim of this project is to update and provide a high-resolution database for climate change adaptation strategies in Germany. The convection-permitting state-of-the-art regional climate model ICON-CLM is driven by selected CMIP6 global models with modern SSP climate scenarios, which cover a wide range of possible change signals.

Martina Schubert-Frisius studied meteorology at the University of Hamburg and wrote her diploma thesis on cyclone tracks over the North Atlantic from ECHAM4 time slice calculations with different CO2 concentrations. At the research and development department of the DWD (Seewetteramt), her research focused on programming a quality control system for digitally acquired historical maritime observation data from maritime traffic (HISTOR project) and on a comparative study for the quality determination of swell data from the shallow water model HYPAS in the Northeast Atlantic, North Sea and Baltic Sea areas, with corresponding observation data. At the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (Models & Data Department) and later at DKRZ in data management, she performed numerous SRES scenario simulations in the framework of the WRCP for CORDEX initiative with the regional climate model CLM for Europe and Africa. Subsequently, she was employed at HZG (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht), where she performed global dynamical downscaling of NCEP reanalysis data for the past 65 years with the high-resolution climate model ECHAM6 for the CliSAP - Cluster of Excellence. Tropical cyclones, their extratropical transformations and storms over Europe were analyzed. For the VIWA project, Martina Schubert-Frisius moved to the GERICS Institute to investigate the impact of the last strong El Niño signal and in the following La Niña phase as part of the natural internal climate variability on the global hydrological cycle over land with the high-resolution regional climate model REMO for all CORDEX domains. In the last project PROPOLIS, the focus of her work was on collaboration with the cities of Hamburg and Geesthacht, where a wind comfort expertise based on the VDI guideline was prepared for the urban development area Hamburg-Oberbillwerder and a thermal report for Geesthacht was produced using the innovative microscale urban climate model PALM-4U.

Work and research interests: Climate simulations with models at all scales. Analysis of storms. Internal climate variability. Urban climate.