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Simon Heselschwerdt

Simon Heselschwerdt

PhD Student
Phone: +49 (0) 40 226 338 446
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Simon Heselschwerdt joined GERICS as a Ph.D. student in February 2023. He is involved in the project "Uncertain Water Resources under Global Change" (UwaRes), where he focuses on sensitivity analyses of climate models. The project aims to enhance our understanding of projected changes in water resources and their sensitivities to various climatic and non-climatic drivers by providing an impact-centric and end-user-driven perspective.

Simon earned his B.Sc. in Biology from the University of Hohenheim and his M.Sc. in Climate Change from the University of Copenhagen. During this time, he specialized in climate data analyses, focusing on land-atmosphere interactions and changes in large-scale atmospheric circulation. In his master's thesis, he investigated the relationship between observed atmospheric winter variability and weather anomalies in the North Atlantic region.