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Report 22

Adaptation to Climate Change in Mountain & Coastal Areas

The Climate Service Center and the Aspen Global Change Institute hosted two innovative workshops that brought together an international group of scientists, stakeholders, resource managers, and elected officials from six specific case regions from mountain and coastal areas in Europe and the US.

The diversity of institutions, cultures, political economies and biophysical and societal impacts included in these case study regions provided a unique opportunity for the cross-pollination of ideas and expansion of networks across institutional, disciplinary and national boundaries. After all, mountain and coastal communities face a number of immediate impacts of climate change from sea level rise on the shores to altered streamflow in mountain streams. The rationale of convening these regional communities therefore was to extract best practices, support the implementation of adaptation measures at regional and local levels, and promote the development, comparison and transfer of scientific and human approaches in areas where climate change is already and will continue to be a critical component of planning and resource management.

Report 22 - J. Jäger, S. Moser, J. Arnott, M. Schaller (2014): Adaption to Climate Change in Mountain & Coastal Areas: Building an interface between providers and users of climate change knowledge – Insights from a Transatlantic Dialogue