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Christina Asmus

Christina Asmus (2023)

PhD Student
Phone: +49 (0) 40 226 338 471
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Christina has been working on the Horizon Europe-funded OptFor-EU project since August 2023. She is implementing forest management practices for climate-resilient forestry in the regional climate model REMO-iMOVE.

Christina has been a PhD student at GERICS since October 2019. Her work is part of the LANDMATE project, which is carried out as part of the Helmholtz Institute Climate Service Science (HICSS) in close cooperation with the Universität Hamburg. Christina developed and implemented a parameterization for REMO-iMOVE to investigate the effects of irrigation on the regional climate at different scales.

Before her work at GERICS, Christina studied meteorology at the University of Hamburg. During her bachelor's degree, she focused primarily on urban climate and worked on the UrbMod project. In her master's thesis, she developed a parameterization for solar parks for a mesoscale atmospheric model and investigated the effects of these on the surrounding meteorology in a case study.

Research topics: regional modeling, land-atmosphere interaction, land use change